Christmas Feelings...
This pretty much sums up the feeling that comes with Christmas...
"Peace on earth will come to stay, When we live Christmas every day."
-Helen Steiner Rice
This pretty much sums up the feeling that comes with Christmas...
Man, this is the perfect quote for when your day hasn't gone very well, just know that it won't last forever, and you should move on because . . . life goes on. This is one of my favorite quotes that I've found so far.
So true, so true. . .
I've liked Robert Frost ever since the nineth grade when I memorized the poem "The Road Less Traveled." This is a cute love quote.
I'm so excited for Christmas! It's my favorite time of year...and now this quotes shows how it can last all year long!
I thought this was a funny, but good quote.
Here's a little quote to match the season...
Hey guys, I found a really good site for it is:
"The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family."
I love Harry Potter, and this is a really good sneak preview of the next Harry Potter movie! Enjoy! |
This quote is from my dad too...I saved it because it was good for this holiday season!
These are cute quotes from my dad about love...
“There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved.”